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Quick video of how to cast to your TV

What you will need:

(If you watch Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon on your TV you may already have casting capability.)

  • A cast device (some examples below)
    • Smart TV (Most SmartTVs after 2017 and later, may work on older tvs)
    • Roku (Starting at $29.99) – Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Chromecast (Starting at $35) Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Fire TV (Starting at 37.99) Avalable at Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Apple TV (Starting at $150) Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores

Cast video from Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV

Casting to your TV is a simple way to enjoy your favorite apps optimized for the big screen. You can even use your mobile device or tablet as a remote and control everything from playback to volume. Let’s get started!

Before you begin casting

  1. Connect your mobile device, tablet, or computer to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. The mobile device, tablet or computer you are using to cast must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in. Note: To allow guests to cast without being on your Wi-Fi network, please read How to set up guest mode.
  3. You must be running the latest version of the Chromecast-enabled app. You can always double check that you are on the latest version by visiting the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and checking for any app updates.

Cast from Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV

  1. Make sure the mobile device, tablet or computer you are using to cast is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in. 
  2. Open a Chromecast-enabled app.
  3. Tap the Cast button . Note: The Cast button isn’t located in the same place on all Chromecast-enabled apps. 
  4. Tap the device you’d like to cast to.
  5. When you’re connected, the Cast button will turn color, letting you know you’re connected.
  6. You can now cast videos, movies and TV shows directly to your TV.
  7. To stop casting, tap the Cast button and then Disconnect.

Cast from Chromecast-enabled apps from iOS devices running iOS 13

  1. Make sure the mobile device, tablet, or computer you are using to cast is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in.
  2. Open a Chromecast-enabled app.
  3. If it requires location permissions, tap Yes.
    1. Some cast-enabled apps may request location permissions and may not be able to cast if location permissions are not granted.
  4. In the Chromecast-enabled app, tap the Cast button Inactive cast extension .
    1. The Cast button isn’t located in the same place on all Chromecast-enabled apps.
  5. Tap the device you’d like to cast to.
  6. If you’er unable to cast, you may need to wait for the Chromecast-enabled app to release a new version to support cast on iOS devices running iOS 13.

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